The year 2022 marked a decisive point in the country’s recovery after more than two years of the Covid-19 health crisis, during which Poste Italiane was able to further confirm its centrality in supporting the community and the territory in which it operates. Thanks to its widespread presence throughout the country, the Group was a point of reference for the country at a time of defining new post-pandemic balances, as well as humanitarian and energy crises due to the conflict in Ukraine. Poste Italiane has strengthened its collaboration with institutions, supporting the public administration on the one hand and small municipalities on the other, contributing to the country’s digital and sustainable transition.
Poste Italiane’s business model is characterised by the combination of strategy, value creation and the generation of financial and non-financial capital, as exemplified in the figure below.
The main forms of capital Poste Italiane uses to create value over time Poste Italiane’s business is based on heterogeneous capitals characterised by their own identity and certain qualities. This feature makes it possible to both specifically analyse and measure them through performance indicators. The unique characteristics of each capital, including references to the paragraphs in this document where a broader description is given, are outlined in the following table.
Business continuity plan resources
Equity and liabilities
GRI 201-1 Economic value generated, distributed and retained
FS11 Percentage of assets subject to positive and negative environmental or social screening regarding social/environmental aspects
Corporate fleet data
Air transport fleet data
GRI 2-7 Widespread presence
Number of digital services offered
Number of contacts handled
GRI 305 Emissions
GRI 306 Waste
GRI 305-4 Intensity of GHG emissions related to real estate facilities
Wastewater reporting
Dematerialisation of procedures and corresponding transactions
Business continuity plan resources
GRI 205-1 Companies assessed for risks related to corruption and percentage of operations audited for risks related to corruption
Specific training on procedures and policies of anti-corruption
207-1 Approach to tax
GRI 205-3 Reports managed by the Whistleblowing Committee
GRI 418 Customer Privacy
IT security and cyber security breaches
Number of customers involved in IT security breaches
Cases of bribery and corruption and corrective actions y Anti-competitive practices
Anti-competitive practices
GRI 415-1 Political contributions
GRI 2-7 Number of personnel by contract type and gender
GRI 2-8 Number of non-employees by contract type and gender
GRI 401 Employment
GRI 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety
GRI 404 Training and Education
GRI 405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity
GRI 412 Human rights Assessment
Number of participants in development programmes
Average hours of training for employees by gender and category
Training programmes and career development
Workforce trends (employee turnover)
GRI 403-9 Occupational accidents
Number of cases of non-compliance with labour standards
Suppliers with an ISO 14001 or EMAS certified environmental management system