Through its leadership in the logistics, financial, insurance and payment services sectors, Poste Italiane plays a key role in the creation of economic value both for the stakeholders directly impacted by its business activities and for the country as a whole.

In particular, the activities carried out by Poste Italiane generate impacts on GDP, employment income, employment and contributions to PA. Impacts can be distinguished into:

  • Direct impacts: impacts generated by the operating activities carried out directly by Poste Italiane;
  • Indirect impacts: impacts generated along the supply chain as a result of Poste Italiane’s spending on goods and services (€ 3.2 billion in 2022) from Italian suppliers;
  • Induced impacts: impacts generated by consumer spending that is realised through the income earned by workers employed directly and indirectly by the Group.

The process of creating Poste Italiane’s economic value

The process of creating Poste Italiane's economic value

Infographic transcript

Titolo: The process of creating Poste Italiane’s economic value

The activities carried out by Poste Italiane generate impacts on GDP, employment income, employment and contributions to PA. 

First block:

  • Direct impacts: impacts generated by the operating activities carried out directly by Poste Italiane;

Second block:

  • Indirect impacts: impacts generated along the supply chain as a result of Poste Italiane’s spending on goods and services from Italian suppliers;

Third block:

  • Induced impacts: impacts generated by consumer spending that is realised through the income earned by workers employed directly and indirectly by the Group.

In 2022, the Poste Italiane Group generated impacts on the country in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) totalling €12.9 billion and, in
employing roughly €181 thousand people, contributed around €2.1 billion to the income of the Public Administration in terms of tax revenue.
Furthermore, it is possible to estimate that Poste Italiane contributed directly and indirectly to the distribution of income to workers, totalling €7 billion.

The daily work and commitment of the Group’s individual people contributes to the creation of value by Poste Italiane. In this regard, over the course of 2022, each person at Poste Italiane contributed to the creation of economic impacts for the region amounting to €107 thousand of GDP, €58 thousand of income for families, €11.6 thousand of tax contributions and the employment of 1.5 people.

Impact of Poste Italiane on Italy


Title: Contribution of Poste Italiane to gross domestic product – 2022

Direct GDP: €8,926 million

Indirect andinduced GDP: €4,009 million

Total: €12,935 million
Each person at Poste Italiane, through their daily work and commitment, contributed to the creation of €107,000 in GDP during 2022

Title: Contribution of Poste Italiane to employment income – 2022

Employment income: €5,226 million

Indirect and induced labour income: €1,777 million

Total employment income: €7,003 million

Each person at Poste Italiane, through their daily work and commitment, contributed to the distribution of €58,000 to families during 2022

Title: Contribution of Poste Italiane to PA – 2022

Direct contribution to PA: €878 million

Indirect and induced contribution to PA: €1,245 million

Total contribution to PA: €2.123 million

Each person at Poste Italiane, through their daily work and commitment, contributed to the creation of €11,6 thousand in tax revenue during 2022

Title: Contribution of Poste Italiane employment – 2022
Direct employment: 121,033

Indirect and induced employment: 59,530

Total employment: 180,563

Each person at Poste Italiane, through their daily work and commitment, contributed to the employment of 1.5 people in 2022

The commitment that Poste Italiane dedicates to serving the country system is not limited to 2022, but is embedded in a path of annual value creation. In fact, over the last five years, the Poste Italiane Group has generated overall impacts on the country of €62.1 billion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), €36.8 billion in employment income, and €10 billion in tax revenue. In addition, the Group contributed an average of 185 thousand jobs between 2018 and 2022.

Poste Italiane's impact between 2018 and 2023


Title: Contribution of Poste Italiane to gross domestic product 2018-2022

2018: €11,908 million

2019: €12,572 million

2020: €12,226 million

2021: €12,462 million

2022: €12,935 million

Total GDP generated between 2018 and 2022: €62,1222 million

Title: Contribution of Poste Italiane to employment income 2018-2022

2018: €7,505 million

2019: €7,534 million

2020: €7,443 million

2021: €7,275 million

2022: €7,003 million

Total income generated between 2018 and 2022: €36,762 million

Title: Contribution of Poste Italiane to PA 2018-2022

2018: €1,680 million

2019: €2,116 million

2020: €2,058 million

2021: €2,035 million

2022: €2,123 million

Contribution to PA generated between 2018 and 2022: €10,012 million

Titolo: Contribution of Poste Italiane to employment – 2018-2022 (average)

2018: 183,669

2019: 188,767

2020: 191,228

2021: 182,596

2022: 180,583

Average employment generated between 2018 and 2022: 185,371

Impacts generated in individual Territorial Areas in 2022

Considering the region of the registered office of suppliers, the indirect impacts generated by them in each Territorial Area in 2022 have been identified.

Title: Indirect impacts generated by suppliersin each Territorial Area in 2022

North-western area
GDP: €1,140 million
Employment income: €491 million

North Central Area
GDP:121 million
Employment income: €51 million

Central Area
GDP: 729 million
Employment income: €323 million
Employment: 11,010

North-Eastern Area
Prodotto interno lordo (Pil): 194 million
Employment income: €84 million
Employment: 2,977

Southern Area
GDP: 323 million
Employment income: €155 million

Sicily Area 
GDP: €70 million
Employment income: €45 million

With reference to the various areas examined, there are values of Gross Domestic Product between €70 million and €1 billion. This results in an employment level of no less than one 1,500 people and total employment income between €45 million and €490 million approximately.

Impacts of Italian SME suppliers

Considering the parameters defined by the European Commission, the Italian suppliers that are characterised as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the indirect impacts attributable to them have been identified.

Title: Impacts of Italian SME Supploers

GDP: €1,1 billion
Employment 17 thousand employed
Income from work: € 527 million
Contributions to PA: € 340 million

The economic value generated and distributed by THE Poste Italiane Group

The economic value created in 2022 amounts to over €11.9 billion, roughly 84% distributed to stakeholders

Distribution of the economic value generated

Title: Distribution of generated value
84% Economic value distributed
16% Economic value retained

Breakdown of the economic value distributed

Title: Breakdown of the economic value distributed

Employees: 51.65%
Suppliers: 29.91%
PA: 9.06%
Shareholders: 8,35%
Lenders: 1,01%
Community: 0,02%