KRAYON, Pixel Artist
Learn more about the artworkIntegrity and transparency

Head of Purchase
ISO 37301
ISO 37301 certification obtained for “Compliance management system”
Legality rating
Confirmation of the highest legality rating score
+ 19,2%
of tenders conducted on the basis of governance criteria
of suppliers with a ISO 14001 or EMAS certified environmental management system
Certify the main Group companies in accordance with the ISO 37001 standard |
| 2018 |
Increase personnel training on the Group’s ethical principles (including respect for human rights) |
| 2018 |
Group-wide implementation of the sustainable procurement framework |
| 2021 |
Verify ESG aspects in the supplier qualification process |
| 2018 |
Carrying out sustainability audits (ESG) aimed at defining, establishing and consolidating a supply relationship compliant with the Minimum Safeguards and capable of supporting the process of alignment to the Taxonomy of economic activities acquired from third parties by the Poste Italiane Group |
| 2022 | NEW |
Implementation of the new Integrated Anti-Fraud Platform (PIAF) that combines fraud prevention objectives with improved customer satisfaction |
| 2020 |
Definition of ESG parameters in the participation requirements and in the evaluation criteria of the technical tender offers |
| 2022 | NEW |

Learn more about the artworkPeople development

Head Human Resources and Organization
6 million
hours of training provided
Project INSIEME 24 SI
first place at the AiFin Italian Award 2022
+ 127%
of participation to the Poste Mondo Welfare programme
+ 5%
2022 performance bonus: 5% increase in contrast to the inflationary phenomenon
STATUS 2022 |
Provide continuous training to all Group employees |
| 2020 |
Increase the quota of middle managers and white-collar staff involved in the MLAB development plans (Managerial LAB for the development of middle managers who have further growth potential) and POP (Professional Orientation Programme that identifies and develops talented young people) |
| 2018 |
Increasing the ability to harness the potential of the Group’s people, in view of intergenerational inclusion, to foster better integration between talent and the organisation |
| 2021 |
Implementation of a range of initiatives to strength the development, motivation and professional growth of employees by developing the Poste Italiane Group’s people |
| 2021 |
Fostering the development of talented individuals identified in the Company’s People Review process by expanding opportunities for professional growth (professional diversification, increased responsibility, participation in skill development programmes, etc.) |
| 2021 |
Strengthening and spreading the corporate welfare initiative for the conversion of the performance bonus into goods and services by expanding the use of the dedicated platform, improving the range and user experience |
| 2020 |
Strengthen communication and listening to the Group’s community of employees, which is large and varied by geographical origin, age, professional role, providing timely responses in order to improve the continuous dialogue between the Company and employees |
| 2021 |
Reduce the number of Group employees’ occupational injuries |
| 2021 |
Reduce the occupational injury frequency rate for Group employees |
| 2020 |
Maintenance of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and related ISO 45001 certifications at Poste Italiane and the main Group companies |
| Every year |
Environmental monitoring for the determination of the annual average concentration of radon gas in the air, aimed at assessing the risk of exposure to ionising radiation, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 101/2020 |
| 2020 |
Implementation of a new corporate welfare model: development of screening programmes for the prevention of illnesses and corporate welfare programmes to protect the health and safety of Poste Italiane’s personnel and aimed at improving their welfare and well-being |
| 2020 |
Inform and raise awareness of employee care, wellbeing and prevention activities with dedicated, integrated communications (interviews, TG Poste reports, intranet news, multimedia material) |
| 2022 | NEW |
Release of new NoidiPoste app and intranet version on Sharepoint platform with the aim of making content and services more accessible to employees of Poste and the Group companies concerned |
| 2022 | NEW |
Implement the upskilling and reskilling process targeting supervisors, consistent with the updates introduced by Law 215/2021, to improve their level of role awareness, performance and positive impact on the overall workplace safety system |
| 2022 | NEW |

Learn more about the artworkDiversity and inclusion

Head of Executive Management and People Acquisition
Equal Salary
certification obtained for pay equity policy
ISO 30415
certification obtained for “HRM – Diversity & Inclusion”
New Policy
New Support for Active Parenting Policy approved
of middle and senior women managers
Strengthen the presence of women in management succession plans, instrumental to increasing the presence of women in positions of greater responsibility in the Group |
| 2021 |
Invest in the internal development of STEM skills and roles and the promotion of cultural reference models from a pluralistic, gender equality perspective, with male and female role models |
| 2021 |
Increasing the involvement of women in the mentoring programme |
| 2021 |
Promote intergenerational matching between mentor and mentee within the mentoring programme |
| 2022 | NEW |
Increase the involvement of women in coaching programmes |
| 2021 |
Strengthen caring measures towards colleagues with chronic diseases and/or serious pathologies through corporate awareness plans and the availability of services aimed at inclusion |
| 2019 |
Extend caring and listening measures for colleagues with chronic and/or serious illnesses or who are in vulnerable and fragile situations, to accompany their inclusive return and support their mental well-being |
| 2022 | NEW |
Implementation of campaigns and awareness-raising actions on issues of labour inclusion and LGBTQ+ rights |
| 2021 |
Specific employer branding on diversity and inclusion, in synergy with universities |
| 2019 |
Carry out training and awareness actions on the protection of human rights |
| 2019 |
Support on the company intranet for diversity and inclusion themes and the related commitment of the Group |
| 2021 |
Take pervasive actions to implement the diversity and inclusion strategy through envisioning workshops, meetings and thematic awareness-raising events integrated into work processes and relations |
| 2021 |
Contribute to the strengthening of measures and pathways to promote active parenting, including as levers to combat the falling birth rate, and to foster an increasingly balanced distribution of care burdens |
| 2021 |
Create an ad hoc diversity and inclusion community to spread a growing sensitivity and awareness of the value of diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organisation |
| 2020 |
Promote the creation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) among employees with common interests on diversity and inclusion issues to set up open exchange and discussion groups within the dedicated community |
| 2022 | NEW |
Promotion of an intercultural vision in the Company for the development of inclusive solutions through the implementation of participatory processes characterised by the coexistence of a mix of different cultures among employees |
| 2021 |
Set up an editorial content plan to support women’s employment and leadership focused on Goal 5 of the 2030 Agenda, which is also aligned with global events and initiatives on the topic |
| 2021 |
Equal Salary Certification |
| 2020 |
Strengthen the Employee Corporate Volunteering project through the development of a new engagement platform and the definition of social programmes integrated with the corporate sustainability strategy |
| 2021 |
Openness to community welfare logic in synergy with local communities, providing corporate welfare services to support the vulnerabilities of employees and citizenship |
| 2021 |
Increase the implementation of initiatives that use inclusive formats to facilitate accessibility for people with disabilities or special educational needs |
| 2022 | NEW |

Learn more about the artworkCreating value for the country

Head of Sicily Private Market Macro Area
Financial and digital education and inclusion projects for citizens, customers and businesses
Certification of 100%
of the Group’s
financial consultants in accordance with ISO 22222
participants to the Edufin events
of investments for well-being and social inclusion
Polis Project |
| 2022 | NEW |
Increase the inclusiveness and sustainability of financial education activities through the implementation of a comprehensive Edufin Events Plan |
| 2021 |
Increase people’s knowledge of new delivery and logistics models and digital issues through webinars dedicated to the individual macro areas and also accessible to people with hearing disabilities |
| 2021 |
Maintaining certification of financial advisory service and the skills of people operating in accordance with the ISO 22222 standard |
| Every year |
Increase the Group’s support for initiatives in the “well-being and social inclusion” category |
| 2019 |
Strengthen the Group’s action in support of the community through initiatives aimed at promoting sectors related to culture and art, on which the continuation of the pandemic and health restrictions had the most serious impact |
| 2021 |
Strengthen Poste Italiane’s local presence with initiatives and projects to benefit increasingly large and broad local areas |
| 2022 | NEW |
Support the implementation of the Polis Project through specific training activities |
| 2022 | NEW |
Increase knowledge of financial education topics |
| 2022 | NEW |
Increase knowledge of financial education activities |
| 2022 | NEW |
Increase knowledge of new delivery and logistics models and digital issues |
| 2022 | NEW |

GUMMY GUE, Urban Artist
Learn more about the artworkGreen transition

Head of Group Real Estate
of the Group’s emissions due
to the energy efficiency in the buildings
of the electricity requirement
of the Group from sources 100% renewable
Change The World 2022
Poste Italiane included in “Change the World 2022” among the 50 companies that are changing the world
21.7 million
invested in projects to reduce emissions
of green vehicles that make up the company fleet
Reduce the Group’s total emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement targets and contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C |
| 2020 |
Achieve Carbon Neutrality |
| 2020 |
Reduce the Group’s direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions from physical plant |
| 2020 |
Decrease the Group’s indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions from physical plant |
| 2020 |
Reduce emissions from the postal delivery fleet |
| 2019 |
Increase the share of environmentally friendly vehicles (electric, hybrid, low emission) of Nexive, SDA, Milkman |
| 2020 |
Increase the share of environmentally friendly vehicles (hybrid, low emission) of sennder |
| 2020 |
Use of electricity from renewable sources |
| 2020 |
Replace the company fleet with vehicles with reduced environmental impact |
| 2019 |
Introduce Smart Building solutions for the Group’s entire physical plant |
| 2020 |
Reduce the number of locations with diesel and LPG tanks |
| 2020 |
Increase the production of GWh of renewable energy that can be used for self-consumption |
| 2020 |
Make a large building Carbon Neutral |
| 2020 |
Selling electricity produced entirely from renewable sources and offsetting CO2 emissions from the consumption of natural gas sold by the Group, through the use of instruments to offset these emissions (e.g. through voluntary CO2 off-setting credits) |
| 2021 |
Maintenance of ISO 14001 certification |
| Ogni anno |
Implementation of Environmental Management Systems according to ISO 14001 in Poste Italiane’s production units |
| 2021 |
Maintenance of Environmental Management Systems according to ISO 14001 in Poste Italiane’s production units |
| 2022 |

CHIARA RIVA, Calligrapher
Learn more about the artworkCustomer experience

Head of Digital & Experience
of customers are satisfied with the Group’s services
ISO 27701
obtained for the data protection management system
IT security breaches/cybersecurity incidents
of customers involved
in IT security breaches
Increase Customer Satisfaction |
| 2018 |
Promote knowledge and skills development within the sales network |
| 2018 |
Evolution of the Service Model through the specialisation of Financial Advisors based on the clientèle target into Personal, Dynamic and Premium |
| 2020 |
Evolution of the Omnichannel Service Model through further development of the digital channel and self-service offer for the subscriptions of interest-bearing postal certificates (BFP), Class I, Multi-class, Funds and GP Moneyfarm |
| 2020 |
Evolution of the Omnichannel Service Model through further development of the digital channel and self-service offer for the subscriptions of interest-bearing postal certificates (BFP), Class I, Multi-class, Funds and GP Moneyfarm |
| 2022 | NEW |
Evolution of the Omnichannel Service Model through further development of the digital channel and self-service offer for the subscriptions of interest-bearing postal certificates (BFP), Class I, Multi-class, Funds and GP Moneyfarm |
| 2022 | NEW |
Dematerialisation of documents to reduce the use of paper at the Post Office, through the elimination of the customer copy for loan origination and customer record changes |
| 2022 | NEW |
Promote knowledge and skills development within the sales network |
| 2022 | NEW |

NAZARIO GRAZIANO, Collagist and Graphic Designer
Learn more about the artworkInnovation

General Manager Postepay
LIS Holding S.p.A.
incidence of digital operations
of the PosteID App compared to 2021
download of the Postepay App compared to 2021
Development and deployment of digital and paperless services in energy supply |
| 2021 |
Install SMART mailboxes |
| 2022 |
Increase the number of biodegradable cards |
| 2020 |
Increase digital transactions for the various products of the Poste Italiane Group |
| 2020 |
Increase contactless transactions |
| 2022 | NEW |
Replacement of all PCL operating personnel uniforms |
| 2021 |
Increase the level of automation of back office processes |
| 2020 |
RDS-Digital Service Request Project |
| 2020 |
Digitisation of Customer Receipt – Phase 1 |
| 2020 |
Elimination of the paper list used for products destined for Distribution Centres |
| 2021 |
Development of pre-sale and sale channels of products and services in multi-channel |
| 2020 |
UP Full Digital |
| 2022 | NEW |

ADRIANO ATTUS, Designer and Visual Artist
Learn more about the artworkSustainable finance

General Manager BancoPosta Fondi AMC
Half-yearly monitoring of the degree of social responsibility and carbon footprint of the portfolios of BancoPosta Fondi SGR and Poste Vita
Range of products
Widened and strengthened the range of products whose investment decisions take into account ESG factors
Analysis tools
Integrated into the information system portfolio analysis tools for ESG data integration and ESG KPI monitoring
Development of sustainable finance initiatives dedicated to internal stakeholders |
| 2021 |
Gradual inclusion of an ESG component in Poste Vita investment products |
| 2020 |
Increase BancoPosta Fondi SGR investments involving the integration of ESG criteria |
| 2019 |
Increase BancoPosta Fondi SGR investments involving the integration of ESG criteria |
| 2021 |
Market launch of Poste Assicura’s digital risk protection insurance offer linked to Web use |
| 2021 |
Market launch of Poste Assicura’s specialist check-up, physiotherapy and diagnostic coverage, which can be purchased by a broad target and which supports the need to obtain private healthcare in a pandemic context of a generalised reduction in national healthcare spending |
| 2021 |
Development of offerings dedicated to people with fragility |
| 2020 |
Integrate into at least one fund open to retail a strategy – also in competition with others – aimed at controlling and containing carbon emissions |
| 2022 | NEW |
Increase ESG indicators against which BancoPosta Fondi SGR’s investment portfolios can be monitored |
| 2022 | NEW |
Development of a strategy concept integrating sustainability objectives (pursuant to Art. 9) |
| 2022 | NEW |
Revision of offerings to include personal care services, according to a full ESG approach |
| 2022 | NEW |
Implementation of a new insurance check-up to tailor proposed cover to each client on by household, and not just by individual, to identify protection needs more precisely, and thus reduce the level of underinsurance of the Italian population |
| 2022 | NEW |
Creation of a new model of access to and use of insurance products, with a main focus on personal coverage, to increase awareness and diffusion among the Italian population, in two phases:
| 2022 | NEW |