The SBU’s performance in 2022 was up on 2021, with positive contributions from all segments (electronic money, collections and payments, and telecommunications). The Energy segment, which started in June 2022 on a narrow target customer base, also performed well in the 2022 financial year.
The 2022 of the sector
Results and KPIs
PAYMENTS AND MOBILE (€m) | 2022 | 2021 | CHANGES | |
External revenue | 1,147 | 882 | +265 | +30,0% |
Revenue from other sectors | 264 | 319 | (56) | -17.5% |
Total revenue | 1,410 | 1,201 | +209 | +17.4% |
Costs | 549 | 461 | +88 | +19.0% |
Costs vs other sectors | 482 | 459 | +23 | +5.1% |
Total costs | 1,031 | 920 | +111 | +12.1% |
EBIT | 379 | 282 | +98 | +34.8% |
EBIT Margin % | 26.9% | 23.4% | ||
NET PROFIT | 270 | 425 | (155) | -36.6% |
Operating KPIs | 2022 | 2021 | CHANGES | |
Electronic Money | ||||
Total value of card transactions (“on us” and “off us”) (€m)1 | 71,390 | 61,086 | +10,304 | +16.9% |
Total value of card transactions (“off us”) (€m)2 | 57,377 | 49,448 | +7,929 | +16.0% |
Number of cards (m)3 | 28.9 | 28.6 | +0.3 | +1.1% |
of which Postepay cards (m) | 21.4 | 21.1 | +0.2 | +1.1% |
of which Postepay Evolution cards (m)4 | 9.5 | 8.4 | +1.0 | +12.1% |
of which Postepay Green (thousands) | 72.7 | 30.1 | +42.6 | n.s. |
of which Postepay Connect (thousands) | 539.7 | 418.1 | +121.6 | +29,1% |
Number of card transactions (m) | 2,340 | 2.013 | +327 | +16.2% |
of which number of e-commerce transactions (m)5 | 599 | 520 | +79 | +15.1% |
Instances of payments slips accepted on alternative channels* (%) | 37% | 40% | ||
Instances of Postepay top-ups made on alternative channels* (%) | 81% | 80% | ||
TLC | ||||
SIM PosteMobile landlines and mobile telephones (stock in thousand) | 4,815 | 4.725 | +90 | +1.9% |
of which Casa Sim (stock in thousand) | 4,459 | 4.427 | +32 | +0.7% |
of which Sim Casa (stock in thousand) | 356 | 298 | +58 | +19.3% |
of which Sim Fibra (stock in migliaia) | 99.1 | 28.4 | +71 | n.s. |
MNP (Mobile Number Portability) – terminations (in thousand) | 590.8 | 591.1 | ||
Energy | ||||
Contracts signed (in thousands) | 47 | – | n.s. | n.s. |
n/s: not significant
* Includes transactions carried out on Third Party Networks and Digital Channels ( Poste Italiane Retail Properties, Business and Other Digital Channels)
1 Transaction relating to payments made with Postamat and Postepay on internal and external payment circuits (“on us” and “off us”).
2 Transactions relating to payments made with Postamat and Postepay on external payment circuits (“off us”).
3 Includes PostePay cards and debit cards.
4 Including business and Postepay Connect customers
5 Includes e-commerce + Web transactions (on Poste Italiane digital properties)
(€ m)
ROAD TO 2024

“2024 Sustain & Innovate Plus” Strategy
Innovative digital platform for an integrated payment, telephony and energy offering
- Strengthening leadership in digital payments
- New TLC offer, for both mobile and fixed lines
- Energy services from 2022, leveraging market liberalisation and customer confidence
Energy | On 15 June 2022, the Group entered the energy market with a 100% green offer for electricity and a 100% CO2-compensated offer for gas, dedicated to Group employees and pensioners. During the second half of 2022, preparatory activities continued for the launch of the initiative on the mass market, which took place in January 2023 in the post office network and in February on digital channels. | |
Electronic Money/Collections and Payments | In September 2022, 100% of LIS Holding (and its subsidiary LIS Pay) was acquired, which will enable the Poste Italiane Group to consolidate its leadership in the payments market and in the digital services ecosystem, in line with the integrated omnichannel strategy of the Strategic Plan . During the fourth quarter of 2022, the process of embedding LIS within the Group was finalised and the process of expanding the services offered on the LIS point-of-sale network in line with the Poste Italiane Group’s omnichannel strategy was initiated. | |
Electronic Money/Collections and Payments | In March 2022, the new PostePay debit card for the Premium73 customer target group was launched. The new card, with a special design and packaging, will be associated with exclusive features that are available from December 2022 (e.g. cash withdrawals beyond standard limits) and others that will come on stream from 2023, such as transfers beyond standard limits from digital channels. In order to expand the range of products offered to Premium customers, two new credit cards were introduced in December 2022: Premium74 and Premium Blu75. The new cards feature a special card design and value-added services compared to to the current offer. |
In line with the ESG strategic objectives, the migration (renewals, replacements and first issues) of the Postepay card suite to cards made from environmentally sustainable material, which started in 2021 with the Postepay Green, the Postepay Debit Card and the Postepay Evolution, continued during 2022. |
| |
As part of the PostePay Code76 service the PostepayCashback initiative continued in 2022.77 As of July 2022, the user experience of the Code payment mode was evolved with the launch of “QR Code Web”, the solution that allows the cardholder to frame the automatically generated QR code on the payment page, without additional clicks. |
| |
With regard to the Small Economic Operator (POEs) Segment, the Codice, Pos Fisico78 and Mobile Pos79 services were made available during the year. As of November 2022, the sale of the Postepay Evolution Business card from the FEU started. The latter enables the joint sale of acquiring services with other products (e.g. current account, Postepay Evolution Business card) through an optimised sales process. |
| |
Telecommunications | During 2022, commercial actions continued aimed at increasing penetration in the ultrabroadband market with the offer of PosteCasa Ultraveloce, the “data-only” solution, subscribable online, with a “full-digital” and post office process, which enables surfing from home at fibre speeds of up to 1Gbps with no limits. The offer also includes a second connection on the mobile network to surf immediately without a Giga limit and take WiFi everywhere, and includes a WiFi modem and a USB stick on loan for free. The offer strategy was diversified on the basis of the acquisition channel (on-line and post offices) and a dedicated offer for Group employees. The fourth quarter of 2022 saw the launch of the PosteCasa Ultraveloce Start product, which can be subscribed to at post offices and provides only the fibre data connection, leaving the customer the flexibility to choose whether to also request the second connection on the mobile network with a 4G USB stick. Both offers have been enriched with the voice service⁸⁰, which can be added at the customer’s request. |
In August 2022, in line with the Group’s ESG strategic objectives and specifically PostePay’s “green” objectives, the new ECO SIMs⁸¹1 were launched. | |
⁷³ Customers with assets over 400k, with capital diversification, estate management and succession planning needs.
⁷⁴ The Premium card differs from the standard card not only in design, but also in the presence of richer insurance coverage.
⁷⁵ The Premium Blu card differs from the standard card not only in design, but also in the presence of additional insurance coverage
compared to the Premium product and 3 free admissions per year at all airport key lounges.
⁷⁶ An innovative acceptance service that allows participating merchants to collect payments ordered by the customer directly from their
Postepay app, by framing the QR code (a two-dimensional bar code that stores information that can be read by a mobile phone,
using a special application) displayed by the merchant.
⁷⁷ Service that grants €1 cashback for PostePay Code transactions of at least €10. In order to further stimulate the growth of PostePay
Code transactions, a cashback of €3 was provided in February and March and from July to December 2022.
⁷⁸ Service enabling the merchant to accept payments with debit, credit and prepaid cards through the leased POS terminal installed at
affiliated points of sale.
⁷⁹ Service enabling the merchant to accept payments with debit, credit and prepaid cards, on the move through the use of a smartphone
or tablet, on which the “PosteBusiness” payment app has been installed, connected via Bluetooth with the “Mobile POS” device for
capturing card data.
⁸⁰ The Voce service is an optional fixed voice telephony service provided over the mobile radio network that includes unlimited calls to
national fixed and mobile numbers every month.
⁸¹ The SIM ECO presents innovative features since all the elements that make up the kit, both the SIM Card and the Packaging (Envelope
and Card Carrier), are made with materials and methods geared towards environmental sustainability. Specifically, it is half the size, made
of recycled plastic and the card carrier and envelope carry Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification.