Poste Italiane’s Sustainability Strategy, consisting of the ESG Strategic Plan and a set of Sustainability Policies, is aimed at achieving national and international social and environmental development goals. This Strategy is consistent with Poste Italiane’s activities and business criteria, within the broader strategic framework defined by the Group.
The ESG Strategic Plan encompasses all the specific objectives and targets, both qualitative and quantitative, that the Group has set for the purpose of continuously improving its sustainability performance. In addition, the policies adopted incorporate all the principles, qualitative
objectives and different management methods, regulating in a synergistic manner the various issues that emerged from the materiality analysis and the areas required by Legislative Decree no. 254/2016 is not established.
Material sustainability themes for Poste Italiane
To identify current and potential positive and negative impacts, an in-depth scenario analysis was conducted on the Group’s activities, its business relations, the sustainability context in which it operates and the expectations of its stakeholders. In particular, the analysis took into account the provisions of regulatory sources and the main international sustainability guidelines, the Strategic Plan and the Group’s risk management model, as well as the requirements of the main questionnaires prepared by ESG rating agencies and analyses of current industry trends.
In the assessment phase, the significance of the identified impacts was defined through the direct involvement of stakeholders.
Below is the list of impacts submitted for evaluation by the Group’s stakeholders.
Integrity and transparency | Work with transparency and integritye | Increased awareness of the relevance of compliance issues |
Compliance of its internal control system | ||
Legality and incorporation of ESG criteria within the procurement process | Compliance with social and environmental standards along the value chain | |
Raising supplier awareness of ESG issues | ||
People development | Staff training and development | Developing employees’ skills |
Employee Engagement | ||
Staff welfare and wellbeing | Work-life balance | |
Customer satisfaction | ||
Relations with social partners | Involvement of social partners | |
Respect for workers’ rights | ||
Occupational health and safety | Accidents, injuries and occupational illness | |
Culture of safety | ||
Diversity and inclusion | Protection of human rights at the Company | Awareness of human rights issues |
Affirmation of an inclusive corporate culture | ||
Equal career development opportunities | Supporting parenting | |
Gender pay gap | ||
Creating value for the country | Support for the socioeconomic development of local communities | Well-being of citizens |
Social and economic development of local communities | ||
Dialogue and transparency in relations with the authorities | Opportunities for the country’s development and growth | |
Supporting institutions | ||
Inclusione finanziaria | Financial Skills Development | |
Digitalisation of financial services | ||
Green transition | Environmental impacts of real estate facilities | Production of building-related emissions |
Consumption of natural resources and production of waste | ||
Environmental impacts of logistics | Produzione di emissioni legate alla logistica | |
Consumption of natural resources and production of waste | ||
Customer experience | Quality and customer experience | Customer satisfaction |
Modernisation of processes and services offered | ||
CyberSecurity, IT Security and Privacy | Data leakage and theft | |
Breach of privacy | ||
Innovation | Innovation and digitisation of products, services and processes | Digital transformation of the country |
Development of innovative logistics systems | ||
Sustainable finance | Integration of ESG factors into investment policies | Sustainable growth of the country through its investing activities |
Responsible investment practices | ||
Integration of ESG factors into insurance policies | Sustainable growth of the country through its insurance products | |
Responsible insurance practices |
According to the inside-out perspective, the Company has considered the significant current or potential impacts on people and
the environment directly related to its activities, products and services, including upstream and downstream activities in its value
chain. On the other hand, the outside-in perspective took into account sustainability risks and opportunities that may positively
or negatively influence future cash flows and thus create or erode corporate value in the short, medium or long term, affecting its
development, performance and positioning.
Stakeholder engagement
In order to contribute to the creation of shared value for the Company and all its stakeholders, Poste Italiane integrates the variable visions and needs of those directly and indirectly involved in the Group’s activities within its Sustainability Strategy. Consideration of stakeholders’ requests allows the Group to strengthen its growth in terms of reputation and, at the same time, maintain a relationship of trust and transparency in the social and economic context in which it operates.
Poste Italiane’s stakeholder engagement methods
Shareholders and investors | Shareholders’ Meetings; Corporate Governance Report; Financial Reports and periodic presentations; roadshows and dedicated meetings; the Company’s corporate website; press releases. |
Customers | Customer experience systems; periodic customer satisfaction surveys. |
Personnel | Internal communication tools (intranet, newsletters, mailing list, Postenews, etc.); internal and external events for staff; periodic meetings; first- and second-level bargaining; periodic satisfaction surveys. |
Suppliers and business partners | Dedicated meetings. |
Entities and Institutions | Conferences; dedicated meetings; corporate communication; periodic communications; organisation of events. |
Local communities | Progetti in favore della collettività; Partnership; Comunicati stampa; Sponsorizzazioni, Liberalità; Dialogo con le istituzioni locali; Contatti in occasione del lancio di progetti rilevanti, Pubblicazione di documenti, interviste, eventi. |
Environment | Press releases; dedicated events; partnerships; collaborations; conferences. |
Through the Strategic Plan, Poste Italiane aims to achieve responsible growth and accompany the country’s path of sustainability and social inclusion. In defining the investment choices of the Plan, the contribution of each intervention to the Group’s 8 Sustainability Pillars was also assessed.
The pillars of Poste Italiane’s ESG Strategic Plan that support the 2024 Sustain & Innovate Plan
Integrity and transparency | |
People development | |
Diversity and inclusion | |
Creating value for the country | |
Green transition | |
Customer experience | |
Innovation | |
Sustainable finance | |